you can see huhs.. in other websites if u like....... this is also a page for hte other "groups" (but we're the originals and ocoler so like... theyre linda LAMEEWEE plus thease sites kinda SUCK so its better to stay on OUR website (only websitey ou need anyways)



NOW THIS IS WHAT REAL PLAYERS LOOK LIEK. thesae people arel ike the moist EVIELST BICTHES on the planet. I think we're on the FBI list actally.

uhhhh guys........... it seems like we got coampny..............

REAEF Rangeers


uhhhh theyre like rangers??? i think like those power rangers thing but theyre like...... idk what are thye looking for?? reeves??? uhhh i think that dude likes acting and shit.... idk what theyr doing playing splaton.



uhhh this is like uhhhh ythose Shuffle groups from helrao porject but liek wourse and we like make out with theis other team (reef arager). its like respawn rangers yaoi but idk shit happens i think

also look at thier mascot, its called mixtape they were found dead in vasis stomach in los angelses. i'ts unforutneate but thats how muost things die.:(